Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Mansion!

By: Lazette Mystique

They LIVED IN a beautiful mansion that everyone could just GET LOST in.

I was BOASTFUL BECAUSE I thought I HAD FOUND the best hiding place.


The pain got worse as if my brain was on FIRE.


Reaching for my skull I REALIZED there was

an INDENT IN my head.

I began to PANIC AND hyperventilate

FREQUENTLY FEELING a puddle with my hand

It was covered in light RED LIQUID.

I screamed my HEAD GLUED back together

It was worse than the ACTUAL ACCIDENT.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my soul! This story was something else! One day when I was about twelve years old I was playing hide and go seek with my friends in a really big house. Actually this wasn’t even a house I literally felt like I was in a mansion! It was amazing! Anyway, I was seriously the BEST hide and go seek player ever. I would hide and have to be asked to escape my hiding spot. Therefore when my friends offered to play hide and go seek I jumped on the idea like white on rice. I was my turn to hide and the counter was only counting to thirty. Now first of all, this house is HUGE! Who is going to find a really good hiding spot in thirty seconds? Then on top of that I didn’t even know where I was going to hide because now the girl counting is at twenty five. I ran to the nearest room and hid in the closet. Of course my first thought was crap. She’s going to see me! Until she walked in the room and forgot to check the closet and walked back out of the room! Now I’m think man I am good. (getting all hot headed of course). I thought there was a wall behind me so I went to lean back when I realized… there was no wall there. I hot headed my head right on the medal shoe rack and cut my head open. I figured I could shake it off until the second time I touched my head it felt like there was a whole in my head. I screamed and ran downstairs. An EMT told me to let him look at my work. I thought thank God professional help I mean all of these police officers and not ONE could understand anything I was saying. Eventually they cleaned up my head and said I would be fine. That EMT should be fired because from twelve o’clock in the afternoon until eight o’clock at night my head was still bleeding and my mom had to take me to the hospital. I needed three stitches. YES THREE stitches in my HEAD! This was when they first came out with the glue instead of actual stitches. And YES it DID feel like my scalp was on FIRE!!!
