Thursday, January 3, 2013



By: Lazette Mystique

Looking through a glass,

I see my reflection.

I see my smile

I see my tears

I see my heart

I see my life

Looking through a glass,

To say it is half full.

1 comment:

  1. When I wrote this poem I was thinking of glass. I thought about how it’s transparent. I thought of how we as people compare to glass. We shine, we glow and sometimes we may shatter. The substance inside of the glass represents confidence, love, and strength. Living in this world today it is difficult for people to be themselves, to be leaders rather than followers, to do what is right over what is wrong. When you stand out you become noticeable. Though your glass may appear full the moment you begin to feel uncomfortable you begin to lose confidence which causes you to become weaker. That’s when your glass begins to appear as if somebody drank from it. You begin to look at yourself through a mirror. You see yourself. This poem is extremely self-explanatory. One day I was playing with my glass cup when I got home from school thinking of my life. I saw myself the first time I looked. Then I found myself staring at the glass, so I smiled. I laugh at myself for staring at myself through a glass cup! Then I started making faces and continued laughing at myself! I began laughing so hard that I was crying! I thought about how I was different from everyone else. I thought of my differences and how much love I had for people even though I say that I hate them all the time. My heart was different from everyone else’s. Then I thought of my life and wondered where in my past began to actually give a rip about people who hated me or people at all. I realized nobody ever gave me a reason to like people. Everyone in my past actually gave me a reason to hate everyone. That kind of personality was just never for me. When I was young and innocent to the ignorance of people I always had the heart to care for people. Its similar to learning another language. You never forget how to love others or show charity. What do you see when you look in your glass? Mine is half full! Not half empty!
