Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lying in my lawn chair enjoying the first day of summer has never felt so good! The summer sun was beaming on my body giving that warm fuzzy feeling you never want to let go of. It was 80 degrees but a little windy and every gust of wind gave a chill but for every pause had me feeling the tan! The smell of fresh cut grass and honeysuckles overflowed my nostrils making my heart race faster and faster. I close my eyes, inhale it all in, hold it until I can no longer smell or breathe, and then I slowly exhale. The air feels and smells so clean, fresh, and comfortable. I was enjoying my peaceful afternoon listening to music and enjoying every second of the beautiful day until something or someone stood in the way of the sun’s rays. Not furiously, because I was having a wonderful afternoon, but quickly I opened my eyes, sprung up, and in confusion looked at the person held responsible.

1 comment:

  1. Life is a game. Everyone is dealt a hand just different cards. The decisions and choices you make depend on how you play those cards. You have to be wise and make the right decisions even if you sometimes disagree. Sometimes we fight and lose. Although at the end of the day we look at our cards and compare them to how they were dealt and see how much we have achieved and how far we have come in this life. Not everyone plays. Not everyone tries. Not everyone makes it. I am not going to complain. I am not going to say I had a horrible life because I did not. I am not going to say I was born with a silver spoon. But I will say I have battles to fight just like you. I have been through some bumpy roads. I have climbed mountains and valleys to get to where I am today. My story tells a little bit about me. When I was ten years old my best friend past away from Leukemia, the night she passed away she told me she wasn’t going to make it. She was tired and told me not to cry. She told me to remember the times we laughed and the fun we had. She reminded me that life was short and to never give up on anything. Always persevere. When I was fourteen I made a new best friend. She passed away when she was fifteen in car accident. This part of the story is completely true. She was an amazing role model in my life. She taught valuable lessons. In our hands we had the same cards, different suits. Therefore we got along very well. I thought she would be around forever. I guess she also taught that life is short. It woke me up. It made me realize I have there was a lot in my life I did not stop and just enjoy. I blew by them expecting I would have tomorrow. We all have ups and downs. We live roller coasters! But that’s how the game goes. It’s Life!
