Wednesday, March 13, 2013


“ugh, I am late for work, I forgot my coffee and my newspaper, I have never ending meetings today and I really have no idea how I am going to make it to moms on time for dinner tonight.”
My name is Mike Watson. I work for a trading company in one of the largest buildings in the world. The towers are so tall that I am sure if someone were silly enough to attempt to jump out of the window they would free fall for about two seconds before they die. Our job is basically to talk business with other countries all around the world. All of the trading is done in these two one hundred feet tall buildings. Everyone’s job is different and everyone’s job is important. Therefore it is pretty important that we are prompt, focused, and on task. Otherwise, well we wouldn’t have this job. The fear of everyone working in this business is that one disagreement with anyone could have all of our lives in danger.


One day I was visited by a group of people from a church nearby. They talked to be about their religion and what they believed. I went to visit their church to find I was very interested in what they believed. After a couple of months I became a member of the church. They helped me get through my experience as well as talking to someone else about my story. Now I can tell the story as if it were a novel. Although I have gotten stronger my heart still falls apart every time but it’s a story that must be told and now I feel free from all that held me back.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Influences and interest


1. mom
2. dad
3. real dad
4. Grandma! (abuela)
5. Misty Robbinson
6. Scott Robbinson
7. Angie Brewin
8. Jeff Brewin
9. Charles Clark III
10. Craig Caroll
11. Pastor Clark
12. Teachers


1. school
2. music
4. art
5. dancing
6. going to Church
7. being creative

Thursday, January 10, 2013

From Quannie's Blog

Hate how I love you

Since I lost you I’m lost too

Late night thinking kills

Feelings just can’t be hidden

So now they can be written

From Tyisha's Blog

Why are you changing?

Is there more than one size you come in?

Why do people take you on and off and leave you around?

Why is it that you change people appearance like someone getting a nose job?

Is it the shining gloomy style that changes people?

Why do you have us shining bright like a DIAMOND!

Where do most people find you?

Are you easy to come across like someone crossing the cross walk?

Are you worth a lot to those who really needs you?

What if you were never thought of how would you feel?

From Yaharia's Blog

You make me feel so safe and comftuebul

Why do you make me feel so safe and happy?

We can go out and have a good time

As long you are by my side and make me feel so safe.

Why do you sparkle in the sun light and become very shiny

Like a start standing out on a moon light night

When you are with me I know that I am being protected.

I have scene of feeling that you are watching over me when I put you on

I feel like our bond is back once I put you on even if you’re not here

When I’m with you and wear you I know that everything will be okay.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lying in my lawn chair enjoying the first day of summer has never felt so good! The summer sun was beaming on my body giving that warm fuzzy feeling you never want to let go of. It was 80 degrees but a little windy and every gust of wind gave a chill but for every pause had me feeling the tan! The smell of fresh cut grass and honeysuckles overflowed my nostrils making my heart race faster and faster. I close my eyes, inhale it all in, hold it until I can no longer smell or breathe, and then I slowly exhale. The air feels and smells so clean, fresh, and comfortable. I was enjoying my peaceful afternoon listening to music and enjoying every second of the beautiful day until something or someone stood in the way of the sun’s rays. Not furiously, because I was having a wonderful afternoon, but quickly I opened my eyes, sprung up, and in confusion looked at the person held responsible.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


By: Lazette Mystique

The Double Rainbow

Filtered the sky

From one end to the other

Racing each other to the end

So large everyone could see it

Everyone wanted to chase it.